II EiSAXional 2022
II EiSAXional 2022
Thanks to you and José for your welcome, your joyfullness and your suggestions! Thanks to the students, for their strong interest and hospitality! Thanks to…
Lieti di annunciare i nostri prossimi concerti!#saxquartett#saxplayers#chambermusic#tourdates
Tra meno di una settimana saremo ospiti di EiSAXional Week sull’isola di La Palma, alle Canarie! Terremo una masterclass e due concerti, per noi è…
2nd “eiSAXional” on LA PALMA, CANARY ISLANDSThe Canary Island of La Palma, recently damaged by a volcanic eruption, celebrates the 2nd “eiSAXional”, an event that…